Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Too Hot To Cook Today

August in Manitoba usually has the feel of fall beginning to arrive. And yes, the geese have begun to gather for their annual flight south. But...it's hot, really hot. It's so hot that the tomato plants in my potted garden are hanging over the sides of the pots gasping for water even though it rained  last night and they were hand-watered this morning.

When you step out of the apartment building the heat smacks you in the face like a hot, wet dish-rag that somebody left sitting on the top of the stove. I'd like to complain about it but when you live in a place where the north winter wind often brings temperatures in the minus thirties and forties, you don't. I just think of what it is like when the vehicles won't start because it's so cold and the oil is so thick that the engines won't turn over.
Hopefully we won't have to deal with that for a while.

We really can't complain too much here in Manitoba, Canada. It seems the weather is strange all over the world.

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