1. Put a damp cloth under your cutting board so it doesn't slide around while you are using it. Learn how to use knives correctly and use the right knife for each task.
2. Keep your knives sharp. A dull knife is far more dangerous than a sharp one. If you don't know how to do it yourself most butchers will do it for you for a nominal charge.
3. Never put sharp knives in a sink full of water. You may forget they are there or someone else might come along and be unaware of them. Nasty and preventable accident.
4. Knives will stay sharp longer if you:
a) don't put them in the dishwasher
b) don't scrape the blade across the cutting board. Turn the knife over and use the back of the blade if you want to use it to scrape/move food off the board.
c) use a cutting board
d) store knives where they do not bang and scrape against each other or other hard objects 5. If you use certain items (diced onions, chopped carrots, celery) prepare enough at one time to last several days and store in plastic containers or bags. It will save you a lot of time when you are cooking.
6. Be organized. Store tools and food items in their same place. It saves time and frustration not to have to search every time you want something.
7. Label and date food items stored in fridge and freezer. When in doubt throw it out.
8. Good condiments can make a plain meal a lot more interesting.
9. You can always add more...but you generally can't take it out once it's in there.
10. Use recipes at first but learn to trust your instincts. Be creative.
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